All Pages now allows you to rename pages

Last week we announced the improved ‘All Pages’, where you can locate all of the wiki pages that you created. After reviewing the page and listening to your feedback, we happy to bring back the ‘rename page’ option. On the new ‘All Pages’ you are now able to delete and rename individual pages. To seeContinue reading “All Pages now allows you to rename pages”

Check this out — "All Pages" is now easier to use

The easiest way to find all the pages in your wiki is by clicking “Show all pages” at the bottom of your wiki (the middle box). Today, we’ve made AllPages much easier to use. Now you can easily see how many revisions each page has and you can quickly delete unwanted pages. To see theContinue reading “Check this out — "All Pages" is now easier to use”

Edu Case Study — PBwiki at Bentley College

Mark Frydenberg, Bentley College PBwiki and Camtasia – Changing the Way I Teach College students today live in a world filled with social media and interactive technology. In my Technology Intensive IT 101 class at Bentley College, the question for me isn’t how do I teach students about new technologies– but rather, how do IContinue reading “Edu Case Study — PBwiki at Bentley College”