Create user groups and quickly set page security

Earlier this year we surveyed the top 100 educators on PBworks and asked them how we could make their workspace even better. The number one request was USER GROUPS!  Specifically people wanted to easily add the same group of users to a page or folder and make it easier to set page security. dianemain:  IContinue reading “Create user groups and quickly set page security”

PBworks Presenter Packs are Back!

Do you present about technology and show others how to use a wiki? For you thousands of presenters, we’ve developed materials that make your job easier – the PBwiki Presenter Pack. This is a free virtual presentation guide that include videos, how-to guides, AND three free premium wikis! Who can apply for a PBworksPresenter Pack?Continue reading “PBworks Presenter Packs are Back!”

Get unlimited wikis and users for your school district with District EditionN

PBworks District Edition gives each K-12 school district that signs up an *unlimited* number of wiki workspaces and users. Now you can share PBworks with every single student, teacher, administrator, parent, and yes, janitor in your school district.

Back To School Blitz: Free Upgrades and Gifts

We’ve just announced two new back to school programs for educators that will let them get free Gold upgrades and other gifts like LEGO sets and up to $1,000 for buying school supplies. Here are the details: Program for Teachers and Librarians PBwiki’s Back To School Challenge ( allows up to 100,000 individual teachers andContinue reading “Back To School Blitz: Free Upgrades and Gifts”

New feature: Classroom accounts for students without email addresses

For the last several months, we’ve been researching and designing a new way to add users to wikis without email addresses — notably, K-8 students. Today, we’re happy to announce a new feature, Classroom Accounts, which will let you add users without email addresses. In consultation with dozens of educators, we’ve created a system thatContinue reading “New feature: Classroom accounts for students without email addresses”

15 educators respond: "How would you use PBwiki in your classroom?"

Yesterday, we posted feedback from educators called 10 reasons educators love us. Today, we’re posting feedback from superstar educator Kathleen Ferenz’s seminar on PBwiki. She asked the educators in her seminar… “How would you use PBwiki?” “I can see this as really useful for having students create and share book reviews.” “Would want to redistributeContinue reading “15 educators respond: "How would you use PBwiki in your classroom?"”

10 reasons educators love us

Our friend and top educator Kathleen Ferenz sends us a report from a workshop she recently lead on PBwiki: “Here are some winning quotes from this week’s workshop evaluations,” she writes: “I love the ability of the wikis to easily create webpages for students and classroom use. The students can easily add information and studentContinue reading “10 reasons educators love us”

Want some free materials to spread the word about PBwiki?

We have some free PBwiki materials I want to share with you. Lots of our users give talks about wikis. Some are teachers, like the 1,000+ who responded to an email I sent out a few months ago asking if they plan to present about wikis. (They presented in places like Maine, Malaysia, and TexasContinue reading “Want some free materials to spread the word about PBwiki?”

One of our most creative PBwiki Presenters!

Cindy Lane, an instructional technologist, recently presented at an educational event about PBwiki using our Presenter Packs. Her giveaway was one of the most creative we’ve seen! Yesterday was my pbwiki event…Half of my teachers had actually gone on and logged in and had contributed to the wiki, so I pulled them up front, gaveContinue reading “One of our most creative PBwiki Presenters!”

Can't access YouTube?

Are you trying to view our PBwiki videos but your work or school is blocking YouTube? Don’t worry, we’ve uploaded all of the PBwiki videos to TeacherTube. TeacherTube is a great video site that doesn’t appear to be blocked by most employers and educational institutions. It’s completely safe for work and has other helpful videosContinue reading “Can't access YouTube?”