PBworks Spring Cleaning: Reclaiming idle workspaces May 15

This May, PBworks celebrates its 8th birthday.  We have thousands and thousands of workspaces dating back to 2005, many of which have lain idle for years.  The problem with these idle workspaces is that they take up a lot of valuable URLs without doing either us (PBworks) or their creators any good. That’s why PBworksContinue reading “PBworks Spring Cleaning: Reclaiming idle workspaces May 15”

Workspace Properties Upgrade

One of the more unique features of PBworks is the ability to combine structured and unstructured data. Structured data is the kind of information you might find in a database with a very specific format, like a phone number. In contrast, unstructured data is a blog of information that doesn’t impose any requirements, like aContinue reading “Workspace Properties Upgrade”

Introducing Drag-and-drop Tasks and Personal Tasks

Now that we’ve launched Tasks 2.0, we’ve come back three weeks later and made our project management even better. With Monday’s upgrade, you’re now able to drag-and-drop tasks.  From the Task List view of tasks, you can drag-and-drop tasks to reorder them within a Task List, move them between Task Lists, or reorder Task Lists. Continue reading “Introducing Drag-and-drop Tasks and Personal Tasks”