Plan Your Next Event with PBworks

Mashable has a great little piece on how to plan and promote your next event with social media.  I particularly liked this paragraph: “PBworks: The wiki is an ideal platform for planning events – it’s easy to add notes, edit information, and organize content. Both mediawiki (the software that runs Wikipedia) and PBworks (formerly PBwiki)Continue reading “Plan Your Next Event with PBworks”

Asking the Right Questions

Asking the right questions is a key component of being a successful support guru at PBwiki. The PBwiki Support Team answers questions from users with all sorts of experiences with wikis – from first time users to top-ten editors on Wikipedia. It’s imperative that no matter what the skill-level of a user, the support guruContinue reading “Asking the Right Questions”

Hiring the Right Support Team

In my last blog post (read it here),  I mentioned that the PBwiki Support Team has changed drastically in the way we handle our tickets and the way we measure ourselves. Another way we’ve changed is in the way we hire. In the beginning, PBwiki was used by a lot of early adopters of technologyContinue reading “Hiring the Right Support Team”

Moving PBwiki Support from Gmail to Salesforce

One of the things we’re focusing in on at PBwiki is how we can become a better support team. When PBwiki launched back in 2005, we had no formalized support, just a forum that our users chatted on. We found a few amazing people on the forums and invited them to join our PBwiki teamContinue reading “Moving PBwiki Support from Gmail to Salesforce”

Do wikis make a difference in the way students collaborate?

As more universities adopt web 2.0 technology, administrators want to know exactly how students are using these tool and what benefits they bring. Campus Technology addressed this question in their latest article “Wikis, Blogs, & More, Oh My!’ Here are two different ways Universities are using wikis, and their results: Professor Kane at Boston UniversityContinue reading “Do wikis make a difference in the way students collaborate?”

Is your customer service team doing enough?

 I was reading an interesting article today that got me thinking about customer service: An industry rule of thumb is that a bug which costs $1 to fix on the programmer’s desktop costs $100 to fix once it is incorporated into a build, and thousands of dollars if it is identified only after the softwareContinue reading “Is your customer service team doing enough?”

Key Challenge facing Customer Service Executives

Organizations of all sizes share one common problem: cohesiveness The decision making has become highly fragmented – from marketing, to sales, to engineering, to services and so on. This makes sense from an internal perspective because we need to measure individual efficiency and productivity – we’ve been running this way since the first assembly lineContinue reading “Key Challenge facing Customer Service Executives”

The Company-Customer Pact

A few weeks ago, we attended a summit put together by our friends over at Get Satisfaction and they launched something they call the Company-Customer Pact. As they put it: This pact is a call for shared responsibility between companies & customers — one that promises that both sides will hold up their end ofContinue reading “The Company-Customer Pact”

Customer Expectations: Best Approaches

All businesses know that the degree of customer service excellence is relative – it’s based on customer expectations. Many profitable companies do poorly on customer service and they thrive – which begs the question: is it smart to invest in customer service? This is why it is absolutely critical to measure customer experience at theContinue reading “Customer Expectations: Best Approaches”

Shaping the customer service experience

Improved customer service experience can be approached from two angles – business process changes or technology choices (or some combination of the two). I’d like to share some key trends shaping the business processes related to customer service today: Take an “outside-in” approach: a growing number of businesses are realizing the importance of having a greaterContinue reading “Shaping the customer service experience”