Welcome, PBworks Project Edition!

For most of us, work is a series of projects. We’re always drawing up plans (some more formal than others) and trying to carry them out, usually as part of a team. That’s why it’s not surprising that so many people use PBworks for project management.  After all, if PBworks is a great solution forContinue reading “Welcome, PBworks Project Edition!”

Plan Your Next Event with PBworks

Mashable has a great little piece on how to plan and promote your next event with social media.  I particularly liked this paragraph: “PBworks: The wiki is an ideal platform for planning events – it’s easy to add notes, edit information, and organize content. Both mediawiki (the software that runs Wikipedia) and PBworks (formerly PBwiki)Continue reading “Plan Your Next Event with PBworks”

Example Wiki: SEOmoz Site Intelligence Services API

While we have an entire directory of public PBwikis you can peruse, we do sometimes like to single out a particular PBwiki for praise. This week, I’d like to place the spotlight on SEOmoz and their Site Intelligence Services API wiki. The team over at SEOmoz has done a terrific job of customizing and structuringContinue reading “Example Wiki: SEOmoz Site Intelligence Services API”

Productivity is the new black

With everyone worried about the economy, now is the perfect time to focus on increasing your productivity. If you’re a business owner, being more productive with everyday work will give you the time to think about how you can shift your strategy to account for the new environment. If you’re working for someone else, beingContinue reading “Productivity is the new black”

Driving adoption of your PBwiki (5-minute video)

We’ve been getting a lot of questions about how to drive adoption of your PBwiki in your organization. Below, I’m including a 5-minute video on tips for successful adoption, plus some new tools we’ve created to make it easy for you to share PBwiki with your co-workers, students, or friends. http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=1869970&server=vimeo.com&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=00ADEF&fullscreen=1 Wiki Adoption from PBwikiWebinarsContinue reading “Driving adoption of your PBwiki (5-minute video)”

How to encourage non-technical people to use a wiki

Most people at your company have never even heard of a wiki, so how do you get them to actually use it? Raoul Kahn, Director of Product at Seesmic, had the same problem that many of you face at your own company. Here is his advice on encouraging wiki adoption – particularly with non-technical people.Continue reading “How to encourage non-technical people to use a wiki”

Do wikis make a difference in the way students collaborate?

As more universities adopt web 2.0 technology, administrators want to know exactly how students are using these tool and what benefits they bring. Campus Technology addressed this question in their latest article “Wikis, Blogs, & More, Oh My!’ Here are two different ways Universities are using wikis, and their results: Professor Kane at Boston UniversityContinue reading “Do wikis make a difference in the way students collaborate?”

How one author uses PBwiki to let anyone edit his New York Times bestseller

Tim Ferriss is the author of The 4-Hour Workweek, a book that’s become phenomenally successful. (The book is about “lifestyle design” and working less to achieve your goals, including some provocative ideas about outsourcing your life.) After simultaneously being listed as a bestseller on the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and Businessweek lists, AdvertisingContinue reading “How one author uses PBwiki to let anyone edit his New York Times bestseller”

PBwiki in Fortune Small Business / Tips On Driving Adoption

Fortune Small Business just wrote a nice article about how Lee Rosen of Rosen Law used his creativity to drive adoption of his PBwiki. Rosen offered a $1,000 cash prize to his 32 employees–for every page they created on the wiki, they earned a possible combination to the company safe (which contained the aforementioned $1,000). Continue reading “PBwiki in Fortune Small Business / Tips On Driving Adoption”

Case Study: sfxschool.pbworks.com

St. Francois Xavier Community School is using PBwiki as the school’s website for students, parents, and faculty. It’s been a smooth integration for them with a lot of things learned through the way. John Evans, the administrator of sfxschool.pbworks.com spent sometime with us to go over his experience with PBwiki. PBwiki: What’s sfxschool.pbworks.com about? JohnContinue reading “Case Study: sfxschool.pbworks.com”