Now Available: PBworks (the next generation)

The following is a message from our founder, David Weekly, regarding the launch of PBworks’ next generation business product. After having grown the product for a number of years beyond its workspace roots (and renaming the company two years ago), towards the end of last year we took stock of what we had accomplished andContinue reading “Now Available: PBworks (the next generation)”

Riding the Wave: A History of Real-time Collaboration

Now that I’ve started to talk with analysts and other early adopters about PBworks’ upcoming Real-time Collaboration update (more on that later), one of the very first questions I always get is, “Is that like Google Wave?” Many people, even industry experts, are under the impression that Google Wave is the first product to offerContinue reading “Riding the Wave: A History of Real-time Collaboration”

PBworks Launches Its Social Collaboration Update

If you’ve ever wondered how the functionality of Facebook and Twitter might be able to help you get your work done, the PBworks Social Collaboration Update gives you the chance to find out for yourself. Starting today, PBworks Project Edition (and PBworks Legal Edition) now includes social networking-style user profiles, Twitter-style microblogging, and the abilityContinue reading “PBworks Launches Its Social Collaboration Update”

Welcome, PBworks Project Edition!

For most of us, work is a series of projects. We’re always drawing up plans (some more formal than others) and trying to carry them out, usually as part of a team. That’s why it’s not surprising that so many people use PBworks for project management.  After all, if PBworks is a great solution forContinue reading “Welcome, PBworks Project Edition!”

A business perspective on the evolution of PBwiki

Gil Yehuda, the Enterprise 2.0 industry analyst (formerly of Forrester Research), has a great post up about his perspective on how PBwiki has evolved over time. Here within PBHQ, it’s easy for us to forget what the changes to PBwiki look like to the outside world.  New features like the Mobile Edition seem like oldContinue reading “A business perspective on the evolution of PBwiki”

PBwiki Mobile Edition for iPhone and Blackberry

Ever needed to access your PBwiki using an iPhone or Blackberry? Now you can, with PBwiki Mobile Edition. PBwiki Mobile Edition automatically recognizes when you’re using a smartphone to access your PBwiki, and serves up a blazingly fast mobile-optimized interface. We’ve stripped out everything that’s extraneous to minimize load times and maximize the content youContinue reading “PBwiki Mobile Edition for iPhone and Blackberry”

PBwiki in the news: Week of 3/9/2009

(Image courtesy of Leslie Duss) Another busy week of PBwiki in the news, including the New York Times, local TV news, and of all things, how PBwiki helped reduce crime in one city by 25%! The Static Document Model Is Dying–RIP .doc, .xls, and .ppt (TechCrunchIT, 3/9/2009) In which I opine on the role ofContinue reading “PBwiki in the news: Week of 3/9/2009”

Driving adoption of your PBwiki (5-minute video)

We’ve been getting a lot of questions about how to drive adoption of your PBwiki in your organization. Below, I’m including a 5-minute video on tips for successful adoption, plus some new tools we’ve created to make it easy for you to share PBwiki with your co-workers, students, or friends. Wiki Adoption from PBwikiWebinarsContinue reading “Driving adoption of your PBwiki (5-minute video)”