Collaborate with PBwiki and create our official documents

Here at PBwiki we have a few great ideas on how to set up a wiki and get your users on board. We have PDFs, PowerPoints and a whole bunch of material that helps you create a wiki. But there is one problem – this material is created by US for YOU – and weContinue reading “Collaborate with PBwiki and create our official documents”

The Company-Customer Pact

A few weeks ago, we attended a summit put together by our friends over at Get Satisfaction and they launched something they call the Company-Customer Pact. As they put it: This pact is a call for shared responsibility between companies & customers — one that promises that both sides will hold up their end ofContinue reading “The Company-Customer Pact”

How to use one wiki with many students — at one time

We’ve heard from a lot of teachers that it can be frustrating to work with on one PBwiki with many students at one time. PBwiki doesn’t allow more than one editor on the page at one time – and the page that is being edited is ‘locked’ to other users. (This is because if aContinue reading “How to use one wiki with many students — at one time”

The Elephant and the Ant: Why Companies Need Processes As They Grow

Seth Godin had a recent post about how organizations tend to go from crisp to soggy over time. While I agree with his points, I think that there’s a better analogy to explain why companies need processes as they grow.  I call it the principle of the elephant and the ant. Hollywood horror movies nonwithstanding,Continue reading “The Elephant and the Ant: Why Companies Need Processes As They Grow”

Customer Expectations: Best Approaches

All businesses know that the degree of customer service excellence is relative – it’s based on customer expectations. Many profitable companies do poorly on customer service and they thrive – which begs the question: is it smart to invest in customer service? This is why it is absolutely critical to measure customer experience at theContinue reading “Customer Expectations: Best Approaches”

How one author uses PBwiki to let anyone edit his New York Times bestseller

Tim Ferriss is the author of The 4-Hour Workweek, a book that’s become phenomenally successful. (The book is about “lifestyle design” and working less to achieve your goals, including some provocative ideas about outsourcing your life.) After simultaneously being listed as a bestseller on the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and Businessweek lists, AdvertisingContinue reading “How one author uses PBwiki to let anyone edit his New York Times bestseller”

Enjoy telling folks about PBwiki? Why not make it your job?

Are you a software sales professional?  PBwiki is looking for salespeople that want to work for one of the fastest growing software companies in the world.  We are looking for proven, quota-carrying sales professionals. We have positions open in both our San Mateo, CA and Nashua, NH offices (so if you’ve always wanted to workContinue reading “Enjoy telling folks about PBwiki? Why not make it your job?”

To Sell Your Story, Be The Story

  For this week’s marketing post, I’m going to delve into the world of politics again, which holds some interesting lessons for the business world.  One of the major advantages that Barack Obama currently holds over Hillary Clinton in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination here in the United States lies in how hisContinue reading “To Sell Your Story, Be The Story”