Tip of the Week – Cut down on notification noise with RSS

PBwiki notifications are a great way to stay up-to date on every page of your wiki. However as you wiki grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to see through all those edits and locate what’s important to you. Cut down that noise with a per page RSS feed. By subscribing to a page RSS feed, youContinue reading “Tip of the Week – Cut down on notification noise with RSS”

Hiring the Right Support Team

In my last blog post (read it here),  I mentioned that the PBwiki Support Team has changed drastically in the way we handle our tickets and the way we measure ourselves. Another way we’ve changed is in the way we hire. In the beginning, PBwiki was used by a lot of early adopters of technologyContinue reading “Hiring the Right Support Team”

Introducing PBwiki Public Editing

Our new feature for public wikis who want global participation and editing on their wiki. Public editing allows anyone to immediately gain access to your wiki — users only have to click “edit” and create a PBwiki account. This is great if you want everyone to have access and you don’t want the added stepContinue reading “Introducing PBwiki Public Editing”

Moving PBwiki Support from Gmail to Salesforce

One of the things we’re focusing in on at PBwiki is how we can become a better support team. When PBwiki launched back in 2005, we had no formalized support, just a forum that our users chatted on. We found a few amazing people on the forums and invited them to join our PBwiki teamContinue reading “Moving PBwiki Support from Gmail to Salesforce”

It doesn't have to be so hard

Before joining the team at PBwiki, I co-founded a small internet startup in the entertainment industry. After a time of blood, sweat and tears, we were finally getting acquired by a larger start-up company. Needless to say, we were ecstatic and eager to get the process started. Being a very small organization when we started,Continue reading “It doesn't have to be so hard”

Productivity is the new black

With everyone worried about the economy, now is the perfect time to focus on increasing your productivity. If you’re a business owner, being more productive with everyday work will give you the time to think about how you can shift your strategy to account for the new environment. If you’re working for someone else, beingContinue reading “Productivity is the new black”

Tip of the Week – Customize your free wiki

Chris the Teacher asked us how we can help make his free wiki look more appealing to his students. Even a free wiki can be modified to fit in with your classroom or organization. Here are two tips I gave Chris on how to customize a free wiki. This is my tip of the week.Continue reading “Tip of the Week – Customize your free wiki”