New PBwiki feature: Footnotes

PBwiki now supports footnotes. Whether you’re using PBwiki for research, collaborative writing, or organization, there are always lots of little details that you need to keep track of — places where sticking little snippets of text and references would be handy. Here’s a quick sample: To insert a footnote: Click Insert Plugin >> PBwiki MagicContinue reading “New PBwiki feature: Footnotes”

Read about PBwiki in InformationWeek

InformationWeek just came out with a great article on the impact of Web 2.0 collaboration tools like PBwiki on the role of IT.  Web 2.0 and Software-as-a-Service represent a major paradigm shift for IT managers, but as InformationWeek puts it: “You can ignore Web 2.0 tools, or try to shoo users away. If you takeContinue reading “Read about PBwiki in InformationWeek”

Using PBwiki to manage your projects

We just finished up another great webinar today, focused on using PBwiki for project management.  We spent an hour going over how you can use PBwiki templates and folders to build your own project management system, and answered a whole bunch of questions from users. To watch this and other recorded webinars, or to signContinue reading “Using PBwiki to manage your projects”

New email notifications for your PBwiki 2.0

When PBwiki 2.0 launched, it included lots of great new features, but one thing stayed exactly the same: the notification emails you got when somebody changed a page on your wiki. We fixed that today — here is a sneak preview of the new version of notifications. The new notifications… Let you see all changesContinue reading “New email notifications for your PBwiki 2.0”

Announcing the Executive's Guide to Seven Wiki Essentials

Today we’re announcing an executive’s guide to the 7 must-have elements of every successful wiki initiative. It’s perfect for executives and project managers introducing collaboration solutions into the workplace. This guide to seven proven wiki essentials distills best practices, lessons learned, and collective insights from PBwiki’s 30,000+ business customers—as well as industry experts—across various companyContinue reading “Announcing the Executive's Guide to Seven Wiki Essentials”

A PBwiki Webinar, Starring *You*

As y’all might have noticed from our Web site, PBwiki is now conducting regular webinars to help folks learn how they can use PBwiki to make their lives better: The reaction to these webinars has been so positive, that now we’d like to expand them to include PBwiki users. If you’d like to beContinue reading “A PBwiki Webinar, Starring *You*”