Riding the Wave: A History of Real-time Collaboration

Now that I’ve started to talk with analysts and other early adopters about PBworks’ upcoming Real-time Collaboration update (more on that later), one of the very first questions I always get is, “Is that like Google Wave?” Many people, even industry experts, are under the impression that Google Wave is the first product to offerContinue reading “Riding the Wave: A History of Real-time Collaboration”

Introducing Network User Signup

One of the recent requests we received from a Project Edition customer asked, “Can I set up my network so that anyone from my company can join the network, without my having to invite them?” This made a ton of sense, especially as Project Edition gets rolled out to ever larger numbers of corporate customers. Continue reading “Introducing Network User Signup”

PBworks adds support for Google Chrome, drops Firefox 2

I do a lot of cross browser testing as part of my job as Gentleman of Quality (Head of QA) here at PBworks and I keep a close eye on which browsers our users are adopting and which ones are fading away. I’m pleased to announce that we’re adding support for Google Chrome, an excellent browserContinue reading “PBworks adds support for Google Chrome, drops Firefox 2”