Navigation Improvements are Live!

Last week we mentioned that navigation changes were coming soon. Today we’re excited to launch a better way to navigate your workspace! Now it’s easier for you – and your users – to find key features like uploaded files, get in touch with other users and locate tasks and milestones (for Business Edition). We madeContinue reading “Navigation Improvements are Live!”

Coming Soon: Host a Conference Call from your Workspace

At Enterprise 2.0 we announced our Real Time Collaboration update, integrating chat and live broadcasting on all Business Edition networks. Today we’re excited to introduce the final part of the real time update – Voice Collaboration. Voice Collaboration is the fastest and easiest way to set up a conference call with vendors, clients and colleagues. Continue reading “Coming Soon: Host a Conference Call from your Workspace”

New feature preview – Navigation Improvements

In the next few weeks your workspace navigation will be automatically updated. This update will change how you access your core collaboration features, making them easier to discover and use. The navigation impacts how you: Create and manage wiki pages Access uploaded documents and files Share the list of users on your workspace User ManageContinue reading “New feature preview – Navigation Improvements”

Rename your Front Page

The front page of your wiki is the first page that users see and acts as the table of contents for your site. Information on the front page should explain the purpose of your wiki, how you want users to participate and important pages that users can navigate to when getting started. Now you changeContinue reading “Rename your Front Page”

New User Panel for all Networked Workspaces

Until today only administrators could see who is on a workspace, and what permission level each user has. It’s pretty difficult to work on collaborative projects when you can’t see who’s on your team! With the new user panel all users can see who is on the workspace and what workspace-wide permission level they have.Continue reading “New User Panel for all Networked Workspaces”

Real Time Collaboration now on all networks

Last month we announced a groundbreaking set of new features available in our Real Time Collaboration update.Throughout the next two weeks, these features will be activated on all networks. With these features all users, including network and guest accounts, will be able to: Chat in real time– With PBworks IM, you can chat from aContinue reading “Real Time Collaboration now on all networks”

Activate Real-Time Collaboration Features

As announced at Enterprise 2.0, we’re working to bring a suite of real-time features to all Project Edition networks. Today we’re excited to announce the beta launch of PBworks IM, Live Editing and Instant Notifications. We’re still refining this release so the features work perfectly, but you can start using them with your network now.Continue reading “Activate Real-Time Collaboration Features”

Video: New Feature Run Down

We made this video for Enterprise 2.0 to display the key features of our recent releases — Project edition, social release features and the upcoming real time chat, live editing and voice conferencing features. Fast forward to 1:44 to see the new real-time collaboration features in action or watch the entire video to catch upContinue reading “Video: New Feature Run Down”