Here's how to get the improved PBwiki Sidebar — free

[Update, 11/1/07]: Clarified this post.

Now everyone can use our improved Sidebar. This Sidebar lets you have three tabs:

  • QuickStart: A list of simple actions to help people get accustomed to using PBwiki.
  • Recent Activity: A list of recent changes on the wiki.
  • SideBar: The regular Sidebar page, which is fully-editable. Most people use this to create a simple navigation tab for the wiki.

Here’s how it looks.

The classic side bar looks like this:

The improved sidebar looks like this:

How to get the improved PBwiki Sidebar
Log into your wiki and click Settings —> Skins—> click “activate new sidebar.” (NOTE: This option will only appear for one month, so make your change now!)

How do I delete some of the tabs?
To delete any of the sidebar tabs, click “All Pages” and find the page(s) you want to delete (QuickStart, Recent Activities and SideBar). Click the red “+” next to the appropriate page and click Delete. Once you do this, that tab on your Sidebar will disappear. (NOTE: Once a page is gone, all content on it will disappear, so be careful.)


I don’t like the “improved” Sidebar and I want to back to the old one.
Unfortunately, there’s no going back, so please be sure you want to switch before you do it. A quick way to play around with the new Sidebar is to create a demo wiki from

Help! I don’t have the option to turn on the new Sidebar in Settings >> Skin
We noticed a lot of questions below and dug into this. Chances are, you already have the new Sidebar. If this isn’t the case, please leave a comment with your wiki name so we can see what’s going on.

I want to force the Sidebar to appear instead of QuickStart
No problem. Check this out great solution by one of PBwiki community members.

25 thoughts on “Here's how to get the improved PBwiki Sidebar — free

  1. I don’t like the tabbed interface but I do like the Recent Activity option. I’d like to be able to delete two pages (Quickstart and Recent Activity) from the tabbed sidebar and to have the option to relegate the Recent Activity page to the sidebar itself as a simple link to a wiki page. Is this possible?

  2. I followed the directions to upgrade to the new sidebar, and went to Settings > Skins but I don’t see anything that says, “click activate new sidebar.” What am I missing?

  3. I also followed the directions to upgrade to a new sidebar, but there is nothing in “Skins” that says “click to activiate the new sidebar.” Any help would be appreciated.

  4. i don´t find it, too 😦
    >>> Go to Settings —> Skins—> click “activate new sidebar.�
    …but it will be a nice tool for me

    is it availible for the free wiki page? Or only with upgrated wikis?

  5. Can’t find how to show the SideBar. followed the Settings > Skins directions but the option is not available! Help, please.

  6. I do not like it and would like to downgrade. Since (as pointed out above) there doesn’t seem to be the “activate new sidebar” choice, I cannot deselect it (it came automatically selected).

    Since I cannot deselect the choice, I would like to delete the new tabs, but I cannot find a list of page names. Can anyone point me in the right directions?


  7. please tell me how to make the ‘sidebar’ tab the main tab. my users are confused since it’s no longer what they see.

  8. Hello,

    oups … it was simlpy a misunderstandig!
    THIS what you now show above is not the same, what I ´m missing.
    The new tabbed Sidebar is wonderful, but I don´t use pbwiki so long, I have ever seen another 😉

    I want to have TAGs, like the TAGs in blogs !!!

    pbwiki works well, so I have created my second one (one for me to train my pbwiki-knowledge and one to share informations/working-sheets with some parents of my sons school)



  9. Is there a screenshot with the sidebar in context of the overall wiki page? I’d rather not create another wiki to see how it looks.

  10. I just created a new wiki (, but the sidebar does not have three tabs — only the “sidebar” tab. I’d like to have the “recent activity” and “quick start” tabs, too. Why didn’t they show up when I created the wiki?

  11. I did not find that the tab hack worked for me.
    After the page loads it still does not auto-navigate to the sidebar tab within the sidebar.

    Is there a way to make the sidebar tab display first?

  12. I would like to add these new feature in but may have delited them by misatke – how can I get them back into the Wiki? They do ont show up under skins. thanks!

  13. i wasn’t able to see the sidebar options. how can i install it? and also, how can i set the settings so that the recent posts will display in the front page?

    many thanks.

  14. I would like to have the sidebar only on my homepage, is that possible? I have also been unable to link photos with the editor. It seems to work then I test it and there is no link attached to the jpeg.

  15. I would like to get the sidebar back if possible!! But I know what happened to it – I deleted it thinking I was deleting the quickstart page! Nothing like a little knowledge to mess up your wiki……


  16. Dude,that “kind of” worked out.It’s a little to complicated for me though.

    Also….is WIkipidia copyrighted or anything like that?

  17. Hi,

    By “NOTE: This option will only appear for one month, so make your change now”, did you mean one month from the start of a new wiki, or one month from the date of this post? Because I too would like the 3-tabbed sidebar, but do not see the option “click to activate new sidebar” when I go to settings –> skins. And as far as I can tell (by looking at “All Pages”) I do not already have the 3-tabbed sidebar (no page called QuickStart or RecentActivity).

    Thanks for any help!

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